Enroll Baltazar

Tuition and benefits

Everything you need to know about tuition fees is in one place.

Decision on reimbursement of study expenses for the academic year 2025-2026. you can read HERE.

The Polytechnic concludes a Study Agreement with each student, in which it undertakes to carry out the program according to the standards prescribed by the Act on Scientific Activity and Higher Education and the Curriculum and Study Program, and the student undertakes to fulfill the obligations according to the Rulebook on Studies and to pay tuition according to the agreed dynamics. Tuition fees paid by students are the sole source of funding for the Polytechnic.

  • Tuition for professional undergraduate study Business and management in all three fields of study, Business Economics and Finance, Management in Culture and Cultural Tourism and Management of Office Operations, amounts to 2,700.00 euros for one study year.
  • Tuition for professional undergraduate study of Information Technology is 3,000.00 euros for one study year.
  • Tuition for stručni prijediplomski studij Menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu iznosi 2.700,00 eura za jednu studijsku godinu.
  • Tuition for stručne diplomske studije; Primijenjene informacijske tehnologije, Financije i investicije, Projektni menadžment, Komunikacijski menadžment i Menadžment javnog sektora is 3,300.00 euros for one study year.

The costs of enrollment documentation and student ID card (e-index) amount to EUR 100.00.

  • Annual tuition fee: for students enrolling in the extension of the year or the first senior year is 25% of the basic annual tuition fee. No discounts are calculated on this price.
  • Annual tuition fee: for students who enroll for the repetition (fall) of the year is 50% of the basic annual tuition fee. No discounts are calculated on this price.
  • Annual tuition fee: for former students of the University of Applied Sciences Baltazar Zaprešić who are re-enrolling under a new contract is 50% of the basic price of the annual tuition for the year in which they enroll if they have settled all their obligations according to the previous contract, have no debts towards the Polytechnic and meet the criteria specified in the decision on renewal of study enrollment. No discounts are calculated on this price.
  • School fees for the entire semester extension of graduate rights they amount to 25% of the basic annual tuition fee, and for a partial semester extension of graduate rights, they amount to 12.5%. No discounts are calculated on this price.
  • Courses that students repeat (re-enroll after 8 exits) or additionally enroll are added to the basic price of the annual tuition. The price of the course is calculated according to the formula: The number of ECTS points of the course is multiplied by the price of 1 ECTS point. No discounts are calculated on this price.
  • Courses not attended (courses that do not have a teacher's signature in the system) that students re-enroll in are charged EUR 100.00 per course and are added to the basic price of the annual tuition.

The tuition fee includes all lectures, exercises, seminars, as well as the use of library materials necessary for studying. It also includes additional advantages that make it easier for students to study, such as subsidized meals in the SC canteen and privileged parking in Zone II in the city of Zaprešić, work in smaller groups, tutors and mentors available to students, top IT technology that includes software that is available to students in their free time, free Wi-Fi, and tuition at partner institutions within the ERASMUS+ program.

The Polytechnic has provided its students with various conditions for paying tuition fees. Students can choose the repayment method that suits them best:

  1. by one-time payment to the bank account of the University of Applied Sciences Baltazar Zaprešić
  2. kreditom banke na način da banka u ime i za račun studenta Veleučilišta uplati cjelokupan iznos ugovorene školarine, prilikom upisa studijske godine koju student upisuje
  3. kreditnom karticom jednokratno ili u 2 (dva) do 12 (dvanaest) jednakih mjesečnih obroka, prilikom upisa studijske godine
  4. obročnom virmanskom uplatom u 10 (deset) jednakih obroka i to tako da 1. (prvi) obrok uplati prilikom upisa studija tj. studijske godine koju upisuje, a preostalu razliku do punog iznosa osnovne cijene godišnje školarine za studijsku godinu uplatit će u 9 (devet) preostalih obroka u rokovima dospijeća svakog pojedinog obroka
  5. za studente koji obnavljaju ugovor o studiranju omogućit će se uplata uz stavke 1., 2., 3. još i obročnom virmanskom uplatom u 3 (tri) obroka i to tako da prvi obrok u iznosu 800,00 eur uplati prilikom upisa studija tj. studijske godine koju upisuje, a preostalu razliku do punog iznosa predmetne školarine za studijsku godinu uplatit će u 2 (dva) preostala obroka u rokovima dospijeća svakog pojedinog obroka kako slijedi: 2. obrok najkasnije do 20. siječnja, 3. obrok najkasnije do 20. travnja
  6. the tuition fee for the semester extension of graduate rights in the amount of 25% (twenty-five percent) of the annual tuition fee, the graduate student can pay in addition to items 1, 2, and 3 by installment payment in 2 (two) installments, so that the first installment in the amount of 12.50% of the annual tuition fee paid when enrolling for the extension of graduate rights, and the remaining difference up to the full amount of the subject tuition fee by the end of the mentioned semester.

Remark: If the tuition payment method under items 4) or 5) has been chosen, students or payees are required to bring a blank promissory note certified (solemnized) by a notary in the amount of up to EUR 10,000.00. The promissory note serves as a means of securing payment and is used for the entire duration of the studies, and is returned to the payer upon completion of the studies, i.e. at the time of payment of the entire tuition fee. In case of non-payment of five (5) consecutive installments within the stated deadlines, the entire amount of the school fees becomes due.

In the amount of 5% for a one-time advance payment of the basic price of the annual tuition before concluding the contract or enrolling in the higher year of study, a one-time payment of the annual tuition with a bank loan or a one-time payment of the annual tuition paid by the employer-payer.

5% on the amount of the annual tuition for students who study in parallel or are enrolled at the Baltazar Zaprešić Polytechnic if they are members of the immediate family (brother, sister, mother, father, spouses).

In order to obtain the right to this discount, students are required to prove with an adequate document that they are entitled to the requested discount when enrolling in the course or for the senior year of study.


  • 3-5 students discount is 3%
  • 6-10 students discount is 5%
  • for more than 10 students, the discount is 7%

In order to be entitled to this discount, students are required to submit a certified document from the employer with a list of students sent to education, which proves the need for their education, or from the employer to submit a certified document on the basis of employment relationship with the same.

10% upon enrollment in the first year of a professional graduate study