Baltazar Zaprešić Polytechnic has been offering online classes in professional undergraduate and graduate studies since the 2023/2024 academic year!
University of Applied Sciences Baltazar Zaprešić also conducts classes as part of the Dislocated Studio in Osijek, where students can enroll in professional graduate studies. Project management
Classes are held in the premises at the address Šetalište cardinala Franja Šeper 13/IV (Zimska luka), where the Student Office of the Dislocated Studio is also located.
Na temelju članka 69. stavak 3. Zakona o visokom obrazovanju i znanstvenoj djelatnosti i članka 39. Statuta Veleučilišta te Odluke Stručnog vijeća od 29. ožujka 2024. godine Veleučilište s pravom javnosti BALTAZAR ZAPREŠIĆ iz Zaprešića raspisuje Natječaj za upis studenata stručnih diplomskih studija u akademskoj godini 2024./2025. za redovite i izvanredne studente.
(redoviti studij 10, izvanredni studij 25)
A professional title is obtained for the completed professional diploma course in Project Management
master's degree / master's degree in project management (mag. oec.)
The following have the right to enroll:
Za kandidate koji imaju jedan od uvjeta:
The cost of the grading procedure for candidates who have direct enrollment is EUR 50.00 and is paid to the bank account of the Polytechnic (IBAN: HR4423600001101282482), opened at Zagrebačka banka d.d. Zagreb.
Pod “Poziv na broj” upišite svoj OIB!
Pristupnik je obvezan podnijeti upisnu prijavu na natječaj ispunjavanjem ONLINE PRIJAVE by the date determined in the competition and/or by using the national information system of applications via the website
Registration documents
Foreign citizens and candidates who were educated in countries outside the EU are also required to submit the appropriate document for the academic recognition of the foreign higher education qualification and period of study with the associated documentation.
Application and enrollment documents are submitted electronically to e-mail
The amount of tuition fees and payment models are defined by the Decision on reimbursement of expenses, prices of tuition fees and services published on the website of the Polytechnic.
Stipendije i financijske potpore dodjeljuju se sukladno Odluci objavljenoj na web stranici Veleučilišta.
The annual tuition fee includes 60 ECTS credits.
The amount of study costs for one academic year (annual tuition fee) includes:
You can read more information about tuition fees, discounts, payment options, etc HERE.
Reference officer in the enrollment center Osijek – Livija Greganić
Šetalište kardinala Franje Šepera 13, 31000 Osijek-Zimska luka (4. kat)
tel.: 099/ 2495 616
As a sign of welcome, we give an official Baltazarova card to every new student who pre-registers hoodie.