Enroll Baltazar


The most frequently asked questions in one place.

Undergraduate studies

Candidates who are eligible for enrolment at undergraduate studies are transferring students or ex-students from other Croatian higher education institutions provided that they are/were studying programmes from the area of social sciences or humanities and that the verification of the last study year took place less than 10 years ago.

For additional information on transfer to the UAS, exam recognition and differential exams, please contact info@bak.hr.

Full-time students at the UAS have the same student rights as full-time students at state institutions of higher education (student card, subsidized transport, health insurance).

A tuition fee includes all lectures, practical courses, seminars and usage of the library fund, as well as all additional benefits which facilitate studying, such as food subsidy, subsidized student loans, working in small groups, tutors and mentors at students’ disposal, top-quality technology and software available to students not only at the University but  in their free time too, free Wi-Fi and scholarships for going to our partner institutions within the ERASMUS+ student exchange programme.

The annual tuition for the study programmes Business Economics and Finance, Management of Culture and Cultural Tourism and Office Management is 18.825,00 HRK; for the study programme Information Technologies it is 22.590,00 HRK.

The UAS offers various repayment models and discount schemes, adjusted to our students’ needs.

Candidates who have passed the national secondary school leaving exam, entrance exam or transferred from another higher education institution are eligible for enrolment in the first year of study.

Graduate studies

Candidates who are eligible for enrolment at undergraduate studies are transferring students or ex-students from other Croatian higher education institutions provided that they are/were studying programmes from the area of social sciences or humanities and that the verification of the last study year took place less than 10 years ago.

For additional information on transfer to the UAS, exam recognition and differential exams, please contact info@bak.hr.

Full-time students at the UAS have the same student rights as full-time students at state institutions of higher education (student card, subsidized transport, health insurance).

A tuition fee includes all lectures, practical courses, seminars and usage of the library fund, as well as all additional benefits which facilitate studying, such as food subsidy, subsidized student loans, working in small groups, tutors and mentors at students’ disposal, top-quality technology and software available to students not only at the University but  in their free time too, free Wi-Fi and scholarships for going to our partner institutions within the ERASMUS+ student exchange programme.

The annual tuition for specialist professional graduate studies Communications Management, Financial Management, Project Management and Public Sector Management is 22.590,00 HRK. The UAS offers various repayment models and discount schemes, adjusted to our students’ needs.

  • Completed undergraduate professional/university study or a college/university degree equivalent to the professional title baccalaureus/baccalaurea, or completed graduate university study (at least 180 ECTS credits), or a professional baccalaureate with at least 150 ECTS credits, provided that the differential exams are taken
  • Signed contract with the University
Questions related to enrolment in the subsequent years

You are entitled to enrol in the next year of study if you have earned at least 40 ECTS credits for enrolment in the second year, i.e. 80 ECTS for enrolment in the third year of study, and have settled financial obligations to the university.

Besides student transcript book (previously verified by the Library), students have to submit copies of payment slips for:

  • enrolment procedure fee (200 kunas) (example of payment slip)
  • insurance costs fee (50,00 kunas) (example of payment slip)

Students who pay tuition with credit cards, bank loans or whose employers pay for their tuition have to settle their financial obligations in Accounting Office prior to enrolment.

If you have any questions regarding payments, please contact tel.: 01/3357-642 or e-address: racunovodstvo@bak.hr.

Besides student transcript book (previously verified by the Library), students have to submit copies of payment slips for:

  • tuition fee, in accordance with the Learning Agreement (example of payment slip)
  • enrolment procedure fee (200 kunas) (example of payment slip)
  • insurance costs fee (50,00 kunas) (example of payment slip)

Students who pay tuition with credit cards, bank loans or whose employers pay for their tuition have to settle their financial obligations in the Accounting Office prior to enrolment.

 If you have any questions regarding payments, please contact tel.: 01/3357-642 or e-address: racunovodstvo@bak.hr.

Every year there are four enrolment periods for enrolling in the subsequent years.

Questions related to studying at Baltazar

Your undergraduate professional study or specialist professional graduate study is completed upon passing all exams, defending final or diploma paper and settling all financial obligations to the University. In due course, a graduation ceremony is organized in which you will be awarded a diploma.

After you graduate, we invite you to keep in touch with your fellow students and the University and join our Alumni club, as well as our lifelong learning programme.

In our library, you can borrow publications, read magazines and final or diploma papers, use computers, study or prepare for exams. Registration and internet access are free.

Student Council protects student rights, monitors student standard and implements projects aiming to improve the quality of the study and to establish student network by organizing different social events.

Student Ombudsperson is responsible for dealing with complaints or giving advice on studying and student life.

In order to enable more productive and more comfortable study for our students, we have introduced a tutorship system. Tutors are lecturers who are assigned a small group of students, and their task is to monitor their performance during their course of study. They are here to help and support you in your studying.

You can find out who is your tutor at the website of the University.

You have the right to submit written requests and appeals to the Registrar’s Office regarding students’ rights and obligations, for example regarding the change of student status, change of study program or suspension of student status.

If you have failed the same exam three times in a row, you will take the exam the fourth time in front of the Examining Committee. If you do not pass the exam the eight time, you will have to re-take the course.

Examination schedules (date, time and halls) are announced on the web page of the University (under Exams). You must register exams and, unfortunately, if you fail to do so, you will not be allowed to take the exam.

Each exam can be taken up to eight times. The first three time are included into the tuition fee, while all other attempts are charged  in the amount of KN 250.

Extra tip!

On the day of scheduled exam make sure to check if the exam has been postponed!

For all full-time students traineeship is compulsory. Traineeship is very important as it gives you the chance to get acquainted with various companies, employers and practical work. According to your preferences, you can apply for a traineeship in Croatia, in the EU member states or in the organizations which have signed the cooperation agreement with the University.

For all additional information on traineeship, feel free to contact our Career centre.

For part-time students traineeship is not mandatory.

Attending classes is a prerequisite for obtaining the teacher’s signature. If you have not attended classes due to justifiable reasons, it is necessary to submit a written request to the Registrar’s Office, together with medical, employer’s or other documentation.

According to the Book of Regulations on Studying (2019), full-time students are required to attend a minimum of 60% of all class activities within each course. Part-time students are required to attend a minimum of 40% of all class activities within each course.

Students can be enrolled as full-time, part-time or guest students. Full-time students enrol on a programme which is based on a full-time course load, and according to regulations, have the right to health insurance, subsidized meals (iksica), subsidized transportation and the right to work through Student Service. Both full-time and part-time students follow the same study program, however, part-time students have a special execution plan which has been suited to their needs organisationally.  Guest Students are students from other higher education institutions which have enrolled to certain courses or parts of study programs at the University within student mobility program.

The academic year is a period of time during which the University holds classes, practice exercises, seminars, teachers’ office hours appointments, trainings and exams. It usually starts on October 1 and ends next calendar year on September 30.