Study programme

Project management

Interdisciplinary scientific area, scientific field. Project Managament
Short information
Project management
Way of studying
Regular, Extraordinary
Method of performance
Duration of studies
2 academic years / 4 semesters
Cijena jedne godine studiranja:
3.300,00 €
Professional title after graduation
magistar / magistra projektnog menadžmenta
(mag. oec.)
Voditelj/ica studija
dr. sc. Zlatko Barilović, prof. struč. stud.
Detailed description

Why Project Management?

In the current ever-increasing dynamics of business, which is accompanied by efforts to achieve greater competitiveness, the need for successful project execution is growing. This applies to all organizations that implement their strategy and other business and development plans through growth and development projects. Growth projects refer to projects of introducing new products and technologies, scientific research projects, market conquest projects and other investment projects, and development projects to projects of personnel development, business computerization, organization, business integration projects, etc.

In order to have good quality project preparation and implementation, it is necessary to have project organisation which will be efficient in each phase, from the strategic project preparation to its delivery. Project management, which can be organised in many different ways depending on the business’s organisation and type of project, requires organisational solutions for successful project management and qualified project managers.

For all additional information about the study, please contact the head of the study Project Management, Dr. Sc. Zlatko Barilović, prof. prof. stud. at the e-mail address

About the programme

Students of the professional graduate study program Project Management are trained to:

  • Project start-upproject start upand leading projects in project-oriented companies, from the preparation, through implementation, to the warranty phase
  • and management which facilitate organisation’s operational and development projects;
  • Participate in preparing and leading complex projects in all kinds of profit and non-profit sector organisations
  • Preparing and leading projects of using external funds, especially EU funds
  • organiziranje cjelovitog projektnog rada u organizacijama u kojima će kao stručnjaci djelovati.

The special feature of this study is its interdisciplinarity and the fact that the students have different educational backgrounds: from economy, law, civil engineering, etc.

Locations: Zaprešić and online i Osijek (klasično)

Short info about Project management

International certificates and cooperation

The study Project Management is the first registered programme for education of project managers in accordance with the IPMA regulations in the Republic of Croatia and the broader regionIPMAThe registaration has been achieved through the International Project Management Association Registration (IPMA REG)The IPMA REG registration code is printed on the diploma supplements of the specialist graduate professional study Project Management.

The study Professional Management cooperates with the Croatian Association for Project Management (CAPM), which enables students to gain internationally approved project management certificates in accordance with IPMA four level certification. More than 200 students have taken this opportunity, and together with their professors they participate in numerous activities and projects with Young Crewu Croatia, gathering young project managers from Croatia.

Furthermore, the study Project Management cooperates with Project Management Institute Croatia PMI Croatia, where students have can participate in concrete projects and keep up with the latest trends in project management. 

Thanks to the study Project Management, the University has become a member of ORACLE Academy Member Institution.Because of it, our students can use modern ICT tools for project management, such as ORACLE Primavera P6 Professional Project Management and ORACLE Primavera Risk Analysis.

The study programme has also signed a cooperation agreement with PM² AlliancePM² Alliance is an international non-profit organisation that brings together individuals from international institutions, companies and academic community in order to foster dialogue, sharing resources and tackling challenges, at the same time promoting the adoption of the PM² standard methodology for managing projects of the European Commission.

SING project for Project Management students in collaboration with the City of Zaprešić

The project “Knowledge Synergy of the City of Zaprešić and the Baltazar Zaprešić Polytechnic” (SING) was launched by signing a Cooperation Agreement between the City of Zaprešić and the Baltazar Zaprešić Polytechnic. The City recognized the potential of the Polytechnic, where students acquire knowledge in the field of project management, and offered Project Management students, as part of the study program, the development of ideas that they consider as potential development projects for the city of Zaprešić. By developing specific projects, students gain additional practical knowledge and regulate professional practice, and the City receives project documentation on the basis of which it can later proceed with the implementation of the proposed projects, with the aim of further growth and development of Zaprešić.

Through the SING project, students apply the knowledge, skills and abilities that every modern project manager needs. Students are expected to conduct research and assess the feasibility of the project and the possibility of its practical application. All of the above is very important for their professional development in the field of project management. The SING project is certainly proof that the study is designed to provide students with the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in a real-world environment, encouraging creativity, teamwork and practical skills that are key to successful project management in their future professional careers.

Program izvanrednog studija
Nastavni plan i program izvanrednog studija
1. semester
2. semestar
3. semestar
4. semestar
5. semestar
6. semestar
Short information
Project management
Way of studying
Regular, Extraordinary
Method of performance
Duration of studies
2 academic years / 4 semesters
Cijena jedne godine studiranja:
3.300,00 €
Professional title after graduation
magistar / magistra projektnog menadžmenta
(mag. oec.)
Voditelj/ica studija
dr. sc. Zlatko Barilović, prof. struč. stud.