Study programme

Business Economics and Finance (Biograd n/M)

Scientific area of Social Sciences, scientific field Economics.
Detailed description

Why Business Economics and Finance?

During the Undergraduate professional study Business and management, direction Business Economics and Finance, students are introduced to modern scientific knowledge and acquire professional knowledge and skills related to operational business and management of a company, institution or institution that operates in a changing environment, primarily at the operational level of management and decision-making. The curriculum is designed to implement a modern and systematic approach to business and management that integrates modern scientific knowledge and skills related to operational business and management. Procedures, models, techniques and methods are applied in the execution of the curriculum in various areas of practical activity of the company, institution or institution, with the use of modern techniques and teaching methods.

Students studying Business and Management majoring in Business Economics and Finance acquire professional knowledge and skills necessary for:

  • starting, managing and analyzing one's own business ventures,
  • preparing the bases for making operational business decisions in a company,
  • the preparation of appropriate bases for making operational business decisions in a company, institution or institution,
  • analysing and interpreting the results achieved at operational decision-making level in a company
  • analysing and interpreting the results achieved at operational decision-making level in a company
  • research
  • application of generic skills such as innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship and digital literacy.
Short information
Business And Managament
Way of studying
Regular, Extraordinary
Method of performance
At location - Biograd n/M
Duration of studies
3 academic years / 6 semesters
Cijena jedne godine studiranja:
2.700,00 €
Professional title after graduation
bachelor's degree in economics
(bacc. oec.) (s naznakom naziva smjera i dodatnom ispravom uz diplomu, u kojoj su navedeni svi kolegiji odslušani tijekom studija)
Head of the study programme
dr. sc. Pave Ivić, prof. struč. stud.