Study programme

Office Management

Scientific area of Social Sciences, scientific field Economics.
Detailed description

Why study Office Management?

Study programme Office Management is an interdisciplinary field designed to respond to the challenges of frequent legal reforms and entrepreneurial society. It intensifies the competences of the bachelor of economics for operational management in office business. Observing the office as a place where managers, professional workers, secretaries or office staff collaborate, the jobs they perform most often belong to one of these job groups: decision-making, data management, document management, communication and filing.

The distinguished feature of this study is that it imparts general knowledge of economy and also masters the skills needed for day-to-day business operations. This study puts emphasis not only on economy, but also on law-related courses (especially those associated with public governance, which is the reason why many governance officers choose this study programme), as well as on information and communications technologies (working in Microsoft and Apple environment, understanding and utilizing web-technologies) and on the basics of project management. All these areas are carefully planned and organized in such a way that students gradually form their interdisciplinary basis of professional knowledge in the field of economy. Students are taught to perceive future business challenges as opportunities to prove their competences, and also to resolve conflicts and work in a team. They adopt principles of project thinking, proactive approach to problem solving and continuous learning, with the aim to produce the results which exceed expectations, and to foster trustworthiness, consistency and devotion to work and personal development.

Students studying Office Business Management will be trained to:

  • analyzing, designing and implementing business strategy at all levels of stakeholders in the process and effectively managing conflicts and stress among them while encouraging intrinsic motivation.
  • knowledge of the rules of business communication in order to achieve optimal business results as well as personal development.
  • application of information and communication tools and techniques for working on specific interdisciplinary tasks in the operational part of office business.
  • application of relevant legal norms in the administrative procedure as well as in the overall office operations.
  • identification of needs for changes in business and understanding of irrationality in human behavior.
  • quality management in office operations and making business decisions according to current working conditions and environment.
Short information
Office Management
Way of studying
Regular, Extraordinary
Method of performance
Duration of studies
3 academic years / 6 semesters
Cijena jedne godine studiranja:
2.700,00 €
Professional title after graduation
bachelor's degree in economics
(bacc. oec.) (s naznakom naziva smjera i dodatnom ispravom uz diplomu, u kojoj su navedeni svi kolegiji odslušani tijekom studija)
Head of the study programme
dr. sc. Ana Skledar Ćorluka, v. pred.