Study programme

Management of Culture and Cultural Tourism

Scientific area of Social Sciences, scientific field Economics.
Detailed description

Why Management of Culture and Cultural Tourism?

Are you interested in multimedia, art, theatre, literature, movies or heritage? Do you dream of becoming a manager of a successful brand or an entrepreneur starting your art gallery? Do you want to become a person creditable for development of computer games market?

If you answered any of these questions affirmatively, than Management of Culture and Cultural Tourism just for you! This unique specialization educates for a profession that drives the creative and cultural industry as one of the leading development forces of the world economy. The goal of the specialization is to train qualified and professional managers to work in the field of culture and cultural tourism in the Republic of Croatia who will successfully enter the labor market as creative entrepreneurs or leaders in the development of cultural institutions, tourism organizations and civil society organizations.

You can view the promotional brochure of Management in culture and cultural tourism HERE!

What does a manager in culture and cultural tourism do?

The activities of managers in culture and cultural tourism include the recognition and promotion of cultural practices and artistic creativity, the preservation and dissemination of the meaning and value of cultural assets, and the creation and production of new cultural and cultural tourism products. Managers in culture and cultural tourism work as manager-entrepreneurs, manager-producers, festival managers, managers of cultural asset revitalization, and the like. In addition to managerial, there are also numerous scientific, research, administrative, and animation (mediation) professions in culture and cultural tourism, such as: administrators in culture and cultural tourism, researchers in cultural and tourism development, animators in culture and cultural tourism, project managers and coordinators in various areas of cultural and creative industries, professional associates and consultants in cultural centers, open universities, and youth centers, independent creative entrepreneurs and freelancers, project managers and coordinators in civil society organizations.

About the programme

In addition to courses designed to acquire basic economic knowledge, the study program also includes a series of cultural studies courses that, along with practical work, train managers for professional work in the field of culture and cultural tourism, whether in the public or private, profit or non-profit sector. A professional bachelor of economics, upon successful completion of the professional study program Business and Management, major Management in Culture and Cultural Tourism, will be able to demonstrate an understanding of various manifestations of culture and their interrelationship with society, as well as topics such as management and organization in institutions and projects in the field of culture and cultural tourism, the relationship between culture and the economy, finance and accounting, digital marketing and public relations, information technologies and tools in modern business management.

Students will be able to apply their knowledge in the development and implementation of business plans, projects and/or programs in culture and cultural tourism, analysis and evaluation of achieved business results, management and decision-making, and the use of information technology in business processes. During the study, they will acquire communication skills in a business environment and for business decision-making, for making legal, professional and ethically correct business decisions. They will also learn to present information, ideas and problems, as well as their solutions related to the operations of institutions or the implementation of projects in culture and cultural tourism. Professors and their students develop learning skills necessary for lifelong learning, as well as for continuing their studies.

Creative Workshops

Our students of Cultural Management are known for their active participation in many creative workshops and projects. They took part in a project presenting the exhibition “Why don’t we know anything about Jelica Jug?”and in the project of the Klis fortress revitalisation Baltazar without mustache, and they regularly work on the project Baltazar living room where they host many eminent names from the fields of culture and creative industries. Teaching takes place not only in classrooms, but also outside them. Field teaching, in which students visit cultural institutions, participate in cultural and touristic projects and acquire practical knowledge from experts in the field, is an indispensable part of the teaching process. Also, students participate in the organization and implementation Culture and Communication Festival.

Ishodi učenja studija
Short information
Management of Culture and Cultural Tourism
Way of studying
Regular, Extraordinary
Method of performance
Duration of studies
3 academic years / 6 semesters
Cijena jedne godine studiranja:
2.700,00 €
Professional title after graduation
bachelor's degree in economics
(bacc. oec.) (s naznakom naziva smjera i dodatnom ispravom uz diplomu, u kojoj su navedeni svi kolegiji odslušani tijekom studija)
Head of the study programme
dr. sc. Ana Skledar Ćorluka, v. pred.