Why Public Sector Management?
Over two academic years and four semesters, you will be taught knowledge and skills by distinguished professors and recognized experts, many of whom have experience in holding high-level positions in the public sector. The study program is designed in accordance with modern management standards, following the best models from Europe and the United States, such as the following studies:
• Master of Public Administration (Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin – Njemačka),
• MAS Public Management (Luzern University of Applied Sciences and Arts – Švicarska),
• MSc Public Management and Governance (London School of Economics – Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo),
• MPM Public Management (Carnegie Mellon University i Heinz College – Sjedinjene Američke Države), i drugi.
The Ministry of Public Administration of the Republic of Croatia has recognized the interdisciplinary approach of the graduate study program Public Sector Management to the complex subject of public management, stating that the study contributes to raising the level of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills of study participants as potential candidates for public sector service, but also as public sector employees, and has accordingly supported the program of this study program (recommendation of the Ministry of Administration of the Republic of Croatia)
About the programme
The professional graduate study program in Public Sector Management is a unique, challenging, modern and dynamic study program, structured to educate future masters in public sector management who, with the knowledge and skills acquired during the study, will be able to organize and lead organizations in the public sector in accordance with modern international and European norms and business standards.
In accordance with the demands of the labor market and suggestions from employers within the public sector, and taking into account the National Plan for the Development of Public Administration for the period from 2022 to 2027, adopted by the Government of the Republic of Croatia, the curriculum of the professional graduate study program is focused on educating students towards user-oriented public administration and efficient provision of public services, on the digital transformation of public administration and on the development of human resources in public administration. In this sense, students will, among other things, be educated about: the structure and scope of the public sector, organizing and managing public sector affairs in accordance with international and European norms and standards, the institutions and legislation of the European Union and the relationship of European legislation to Croatian national legislation, and about: strategic, project and crisis management, teamwork methodology, public finances and budget management, public policies and their legal regulation, the European administrative space, regional development, management of public companies and institutions, crisis management, the public procurement system with an emphasis on green procurement, digital marketing, digital innovations in the public sector, public relations, information systems in public administration and e-government, etc. Although the study is conducted in a virtual environment as an ONLINE study, which allows students to participate in all teaching processes, including taking exams, from their home or any other place they find themselves if they have access to the internet and appropriate IT equipment, students of this study are also provided with guest lectures by prominent public officials and experts, round tables and panel discussions on current topics, fieldwork in public sector units, and similar events.
The head of the professional graduate study program in Public Sector Management, Dr. Sc. Ninoslav Gregurić-Bajza, will be happy to provide you with all necessary additional information, so please contact him with full confidence at e-mail: nbajza@bak.hr