Study programme

Communication management

Scientific area of Social Sciences, scientific field Information and Communication Sciences.
Short information
Communication management
Way of studying
Regular, Extraordinary
Method of performance
Duration of studies
2 academic years / 4 semesters
Cijena jedne godine studiranja:
3.300,00 €
Professional title after graduation
magistar / magistra komunikacijskog menadžmenta
(mag. comm.)
Voditelj/ica studija
dr. sc. Stjepan Lacković, prof. v. š.
Detailed description

Why this study?

The professional graduate study program in Communication Management educates communication managers who have knowledge in economics, political science and sociology, understand social trends, possess knowledge in environmental protection, sustainable development and social responsibility in order to maintain relationships with stakeholders, and in addition to knowledge in communication, they also understand psychology and research methodology in the social sciences.

The main trend in the economies of the European Union is the increasing shift from manufacturing to service provision, and effective communication is a prerequisite for quality service provision. Today's business market is characterized by high competition, as well as the dominance of new technologies, so it is of great importance to be a skilled communicator.

The Communication Management course enables students to get a good general education in the social-humanistic field and in the scientific fields of sociology, political science and psychology, along with various topics such as, for example, pop culture. Namely, the goal of that study is not only to create effective and capable managers, but autonomous and self-aware people who are able to critically evaluate and competently assess what is happening in the world around them, especially what is mediated to us by means of mass communication.

About the programme

The Communication Management study covers several areas from which reference professions follow. The study integrates marketing communications, media and entertainment industry management, communication using new technologies, and organizational and strategic communication. In the PR and Marketing Communications segment, students learn how to use writing and speaking skills, how to conduct consumer behavior research or media research, and how to create a strategic communication plan based on them and evaluate and measure its effect.

In the segment of media and entertainment management, students become media literate, trained to understand the basic rules of media rhetoric and audiovisual communication, and to write, record, and produce their own audiovisual work. In the segment of communication with new technologies, students learn to understand the effects of new technologies and will become familiar with their basic concepts and theories, as well as with the latest achievements in the field of new media. The area of ​​corporate communications management is particularly interesting for students who plan to build a career or show interest in the areas of human resources, corporate communications, strategic planning, consulting, lobbying, and other general management functions.

Communications manager

The communications manager dominates communication, which is his greatest strength and the value he brings to the company. The communications manager degree focuses on communication, and communication is people. The communications manager drives and motivates, identifies the needs and interests of clients and stakeholders, uses data not only to understand the situation but also the people involved in it. Finally, he is able to measure effects and results, learn from the obtained and constantly improve his work. All this makes the communications management degree a great intellectual investment for our students.

That is why every organization needs a communications manager, who will enable the organization to operate better and more efficiently, to produce better results, to have more motivated and engaged employees, and to have a public image that is exactly what top management wants. All of this is the reason why our graduates work in such a variety of jobs, organizations, and industries: entertainment, media, marketing, consulting and lobbying firms, as lecturers/trainers, spokespersons, public relations consultants, etc.

Program izvanrednog studija
Nastavni plan i program izvanrednog studija
1. semester
2. semestar
3. semestar
4. semestar
5. semestar
6. semestar
Short information
Communication management
Way of studying
Regular, Extraordinary
Method of performance
Duration of studies
2 academic years / 4 semesters
Cijena jedne godine studiranja:
3.300,00 €
Professional title after graduation
magistar / magistra komunikacijskog menadžmenta
(mag. comm.)
Voditelj/ica studija
dr. sc. Stjepan Lacković, prof. v. š.