Online study

About online studying

Baltazar Zaprešić Polytechnic has been offering online classes in professional undergraduate and graduate studies since the 2023/2024 academic year! professional undergraduate and professional graduate studies! 

Online studiranje

Online form of studying takes place in a virtual environment, which implies a modern and high-quality way of education with the help of information and communication technology. This form of study is completely equal to classical forms of teaching. Learning outcomes and acquired competences in the course being conducted online they do not differ at all from the outcomes and competences acquired in the study, which is dominantly carried out in the classroom.

When performing online the study especially emphasizes and expects continuous work, teamwork, critical and creative thinking, all with the aim of achieving the desired results and learning outcomes. The work methodology is suitable for the level of study and the topic of individual courses, while the pace of study is adapted to the students and their available time. The teachers who teach are continuously improving and developing, both in the field of their scientific interest and in the field of design and performance. online courses, with constant support in working with digital technologies. IT support is constantly available to students, so that they can follow classes and fulfill all obligations in a virtual environment.

Part-time and full-time students will be able to attend each course in the form online way of studying and are obliged to achieve a total of at least 40% attendance (extraordinary) and 60% (regular) in the activities in classes via webinars and in other activities in a virtual environment. Regardless of their location, students can follow classes, download teaching materials, view short video lessons, hand in assignments and complete all assigned activities. At the first lesson of a particular course, the teacher will show the students a calendar with all webinar dates, deadlines for execution of certain planned activities, etc.

Teaching materials with all instructions related to the performance of the course as well as student obligations will be published on the system for e-learning Baltazar. Through the Baltazar system, various tests of acquired knowledge will be carried out in the form of quizzes, seminars, assignments, case studies, critical review of current articles related to the topic, etc., as well as a final exam. All students will be able to attend the introductory education "Study on eBaltazar" free of charge.

In teaching processes at the Baltazar Polytechnic, special attention is paid to the principles of ethics, appropriate communication and privacy protection. Platforms for online classes are used exclusively for sharing data and information related to the teaching process, and never for sharing confidential information and personal data. All participants are therefore responsible for the content they publish on online platforms. Any inappropriate posts are immediately removed by the administrator, and all participants are obliged to comply with the provisions of the Code of Ethics of the Baltazar Zaprešić Polytechnic.

  • a computer with administrator privileges (with the ability to install software required for online classes),
  • access to broadband (ADSL) Internet,
  • informatics - information literacy,
  • microphone,
  • external (web) camera.
  • Mobile phone with camera

*Note: Exceptionally, if a student does not meet the prerequisites for taking the online exam, the exam can be taken on the premises of Baltazar Polytechnic, with prior notice to the student office, 7 days earlier.

Tuition fee online study is equal to the tuition fee as with the classic form of study, while the status, rights and obligations of the students online studies equal to the rights of other students. Academic title, i.e. diploma that is obtained upon completion online study are fully equal to the academic title obtained by completing studies in the classical form. 

For application purposes, transfer students fill out the application form on the website of the Polytechnic and pay the costs of the classification procedure.

The costs of the grading procedure for transfer students amount to EUR 50.00 and are paid to the bank account of the Polytechnic (IBAN: HR4423600001101282482), opened at Zagrebačka banka d.d. Zagreb.

Enrollment of transfer students is possible until enrollment quotas are filled, and no later than the end of the winter semester.


The applicant is obliged to submit an application for the competition by completing it ONLINE PRIJAVE by the date determined in the competition and/or by using the national information system of applications via the website