Baltazar Zaprešić Polytechnic has been offering online classes in professional undergraduate and graduate studies since the 2023/2024 academic year!
The Student Union is a student elected representative body that protects the interests of students, participates in the work and decision-making of the bodies of the Baltazar Zaprešić Polytechnic, and represents students in the higher education system. In addition to taking care of student standards and the quality of studies, it organizes various events, socializing, trips, forums, conventions, projects, and more.
At their meetings, selected student representatives exchange experiences, organize international student visits, solve current student issues, organize forums, conferences and round tables, organize social events for students, such as freshmen parties and student trips, and much more.
We invite all students to get involved in the work of the student association
Antonija Begić is a third-year undergraduate student in Business and Management, majoring in Office Management.
Od veljače 2025. godine obnaša funkciju studentske pravobraniteljice:
The email you can contact if you need help is studentski.pravobranitelj@bak.
The student restaurant at Baltazar, subsidized student meals and accommodation in student dormitories for students of private higher education institutions in Croatia, issuing diplomas for undergraduate studies instead of certificates and many other positive changes were introduced by our student representatives.
In projects, you will collaborate with the Government, ministries, the Administration of your Polytechnic and colleagues, and in the process improve your communication, negotiation and business skills.
Being a student representative means having an excellent item in your CV, which has secured many job offers already during their studies, due to their involvement in the Student Union, and due to networking with representatives at the world and national level.
Student representatives participate in the organization of freshmen events and student trips, they organize official trips to national, European and world meetings, as well as conferences of student organizations.
See you in the cabinet opposite hall 8.
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Za člana odbora mogu se prijaviti svi studenti Veleučilišta putem prijave koju dostavljaju emailom na: s naznakom u predmetu poruke „Za natječaj za odbor – s naznakom za koji se odbor prijavljuje“ s prilozima: životopis, motivacijsko pismo i plan aktivnosti.