International Cooperation
Enrich your experience through international cooperation programs.

Enrol a study programme or traineeship at one of our partner institutions in over 20 countries. Gain new knowledge and skills by working on international projects, research and other activities which will give you a competitive edge in your further career.
The aim of this program is to analyze a creative approach in the entrepreneurial way of thinking, from the creation of an idea and recognizing opportunities to the realization of an entrepreneurial project.
The primary aim of Balkan Universities Association (BUA) is to determine a leading vision for the future through the universities, the libraries, the research centers in Balkan region on the base of common global values by considering the necessities of the time.
University of Applied Sciences Baltazar Zaprešić is part of international projects such as Mevlana Exchange and Academic Writing Online.
We cooperate with institutions in more than 20 countries to offer you a large selection of places where you can study or do professional practice.
Our students shared their experiences and impressions from the exchange. Find out how it was for them and what they experienced.
Find all open tenders for Erasmus+ exchange programs, tender results, necessary documentation and forms for participating in the exchange program in one place.
The primary aim of Balkan Universities Association (BUA) is to determine a leading vision for the future through the universities, the libraries, the research centers in Balkan region on the base of common global values by considering the necessities of the time. Besides, forming up a scientific network in the areas of the language, the culture, the art, the history, the economy, the education and sports and caring out collaborative scientific works in these areas are aims of BUA
Take a look at student mobility experiences. Find out what impression Croatia left on foreign students and their experience.
International Cooperation
Enrich your experience through international cooperation programs.

Veleučilište Baltazar Zaprešić danas se može pohvaliti mnogobrojnim bilateralnim sporazumima s inozemnim europskim, južnoameričkim, azijskim sveučilištima, a impresivnu podlogu za Erasmus+ mobilnost čini i oko 60 sporazuma sklopljenih s renomiranim europskim sveučilištima.
Veleučilište Baltazar Zaprešić nastoji prepoznati sve prednosti međunarodne mobilnosti studenata koje ona nudi, kako u obrazovnom smislu tako i kroz osobni razvoj svakog pojedinca pa stoga itekako ohrabruje svoje studente na sudjelovanje u međunarodnoj mobilnosti kroz razne programe od kojih je najpopularniji i najznačajniji – Erasmus+.

Međunarodna suradnja u visokom obrazovanju vodi do otkrića u znanju, slobodnoj razmjeni ideja i trajnim vezama između institucija i nacija. Ona obuhvaća sve profesionalne aktivnosti usmjerene na potporu studentima jednako kao i nastavnom i nenastavnom osoblju u potrebi i promicanje gospodarskog, društvenog i kulturnog razvoja diljem svijeta.
BAK stvara partnerstva s izvrsnim akademskim i drugim institucijama diljem svijeta kako bi proširio iskustvo studenata, rast i doprinose fakulteta te utjecaj našeg istraživanja. Suradnja s našim inozemnim kolegama ključna je za uspjeh naših globalnih aktivnosti. U namjeri da ojača međunarodne aktivnosti, svoje studente i zaposlenike potiče na sudjelovanje u međunarodnoj mobilnosti.