Baltazar Zaprešić Polytechnic has been offering online classes in professional undergraduate and graduate studies since the 2023/2024 academic year!
Do you want to create web-pages, and learning programming seems complex to you? You are starting your own business and want to create your own web-page?
Sign up for the professional development program „Web-design in WordPress and learn to create and maintain web-pages without the use and prior knowledge of programming languages.
Due to the increasing use of digital tools in the promotion of business, there is an increasing demand for competences and knowledge in the field web-technology. Relatively high production and maintenance costs web-pages make it difficult to promote through web micro, small and medium enterprises and increase the costs of their business. This lifelong learning course is intended to train various private and business users to create and maintain web- page, which will contribute to their better positioning on the market. The advantage of this program, compared to similar educations from web- designing, is what this program is about web-design that does not require prior knowledge of programming and is intended for creation, maintenance and updating web-page through the WordPress CMS system.
The program "Web- design in WordPress" participants will get to know the concept web-page, their possibilities and application through the WordPress CMS system due to its popularity and wide application in creation web-page, with a special emphasis on creation web-page without programming in programming languages.
The goal of the program is to provide participants with theoretical and practical knowledge about creation and maintenance web-page through the WordPress CMS system. Participants will design web pages and learn about the process of building a modern website web (from renting a domain to finalizing the construction of websites and optimization for web-search engines) without programming in programming languages.
After completing the program, participants will be able to:
To students of the Baltazar Polytechnic studying Business and Management who need knowledge about creation, maintenance and updating web-site for employers or for your personal needs and private business. Micro, small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, associations and other users who need to improve the use of digital tools for private and business purposes.
The teaching is organized in the form of lectures and laboratory exercises lasting 4 weeks (block of 5 hours once a week or as agreed within the group).
Teaching is conducted in a computer laboratory with the use of computers.
Place of classes: premises of Baltazar Zaprešić Polytechnic, Vladimira Novaka 23, Zaprešić
Regular attendance at classes, preparation of weekly assignments and final project - completed web-page
€160.00 per participant
*Discounts cannot be combined.
Krešimir Jurina, expert. technical engineer inf. and expert. spec. oec., v. pred.
Senior lecturer at Baltazar Zaprešić Polytechnic in the field of information technologies. He teaches the courses Introduction to (X)HTML and CSS, Applied Business Informatics, Basics of Informatics, Information Systems, IT Support for Project Teams, Business Intelligence.
At the end of this education, each participant receives a certificate in Croatian with the name of the teaching program, a list of teaching topics, the names and surnames of the teachers and the number of teaching hours attended.
Ljiljana Nekić, Professional associate for lifelong education and learning
Tel: 099 308 5918 or 01 4008 104
Krešimir Jurina, struč. spec. ing. techn. inf. i struč. spec. oec., v. pred.
Tel: 098 594-555
In case of insufficient number of applications, the program will not take place.