Baltazar Zaprešić Polytechnic has been offering online classes in professional undergraduate and graduate studies since the 2023/2024 academic year!
Would you like to improve your existing knowledge of real estate management and valuation? Do you work in real estate and are you looking for a multidisciplinary training program? Do you do real estate valuation and need additional specialization?
Start developing your knowledge and competencies in the field of real estate management and valuation by learning from top experts with years of experience in real estate management, land registry law, construction, appraisals, economics...
University of Applied Sciences Baltazar Zaprešić implements a professional development program Real estate management and valuation, which was confirmed by the Ministry of Spatial Planning, Construction and State Property, and the teachers who teach are top experts in their professions and areas of specialization.
Real estate management and assessment of their value requires multidisciplinary knowledge in economics, law, land records, construction and urban planning, as well as the evaluations and methods of real estate management, which cannot currently be acquired through formal education in the Republic of Croatia.
Furthermore, given that after 80 years of absence of any regulation that would standardize the assessment of the value of real estate on a market basis, in 2015 it was adopted Law on Real Estate Valuation (Official Gazette 78/15), it is necessary to provide quality education to all persons professionally engaged in work in which appraisals are made: experts, appraisers, officials in JLP(R)S or state bodies, real estate brokers, employees in companies that they deal in real estate, etc.
Professional training program Real estate management and valuation combines knowledge related to real estate taxation, real estate accounting, business ethics in real estate business, knowledge of basic land administration procedures (cadastre and land registry procedures), basics of regulations in construction and spatial planning, real estate valuations, and real estate management.
The goal of this teaching program is to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge about successful real estate management and the correct assessment of their value.
Namijenjena je osobama koje ispunjavaju uvjete upisa na ovaj nastavni program cjeloživotnog obrazovanja i učenja, odnosno onim osobama koje su u radnom odnosu i bave se izravno ili neizravno upravljanjem i procjenom vrijednosti nekretnina.
The education program lasts 104 teaching hours, which are distributed over the weekend (Fridays from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.).
Mjesto održavanja nastave: Lastovska 23, 1. kat, HR-10000 Zagreb i online, putem MS Teamsa.
1.260,00 eura po polazniku. U cijenu je uračunat PDV u visini od 25%.
A – 10% na jednokratno plaćanje (plaćanje prilikom izdavanja računa)
B – 5% za studente i članove Alumni kluba Veleučilišta Baltazar Zaprešić
D – 5% za tri do šest polaznika iz iste pravne osobe
E – 10% za sedam i više polaznika iz iste pravne osobe
*Popusti se ne mogu zbrajati
Način otplate:
Jednokratno plaćanje (prilikom izdavanja računa)
Virmanska otplata – u ratama od 133,00 € mjesečno
Edukacija započinje u petak, 17. 10. 2025. i traje od 17,00 do 21,00 h te subotom od 09,00 do 13,00 h, uz mogućnost usuglašavanja termina prema potrebama grupe.
Nastava se izvodi u učionicama uz uporabu audio-vizualnih pomagala.
Za dio polaznika i u slučaju potrebe, nastava se izvodi online.
Nakon završetka svake teme odnosno modula slijedi provjera znanja.
Nakon pete i šeste teme, osim provjere znanja, polaznici trebaju uspješno izraditi po jedan stručni rad, odnosno odgovarajući elaborat.
Mr. sc. Željko Uhlir državni je tajnik Ministarstva prostornog uređenja, graditeljstva i državne imovine Republike Hrvatske. Prije toga obavljalo je sljedeće dužnosti: zamjenik ministra graditeljstva i prostornog uređenja, direktor vladine agencije za pravni promet i posredovanje nekretninama, direktor sektora za investicije, pročelnik za upravljanje imovinom grada, stalni sudski vještak itd.
Doc. dr. sc. Vlasta Roška she worked as a tax consultant, director, head of accounting, head of planning and analysis.
Dr. sc. Ljiljana Matuško Antonić she performed the duties of advisor at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia, judge of the Municipal Court in Zagreb, and head of sector at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Croatia.
Dr. sc. Marko Ignjatović is an expert in the digital transformation of various types of organizations and real estate management in local self-government, and has collaborated with a large number of local and regional self-governments, non-governmental organizations, state institutions and international corporations.
Branimir Majčica, mag., obavljao je poslove višeg stručnog savjetnika pročelnika – geodet, voditelj Službe za vrednovanje nekretnina Grada Zagreba, Voditelj Odsjeka za dokumentaciju o ispravama, stručni suradnik za zemljišta
At the end of this education, each participant will receive a certificate in Croatian with the name of the curriculum, a list of subjects covered, the names and surnames of the teachers, the number of hours attended, and a list of self-made and graded real estate appraisal studies.
Program structure Real estate management and valuation according to individual teaching topics (modules), duration in teaching hours, chapters and a list of professional literature can be viewed HERE!
Voditeljica programa cjeloživotnog obrazovanja:
Ljiljana Nekić
01/4008-104 ili 099/308-5918.
Enrollment lasts until the optimal number of participants is reached. Potential participants who could not enroll in the first teaching group will be entered in the records of the next one.