In case of insufficient number of applications, the program will not take place.
Baltazar Zaprešić Polytechnic has been offering online classes in professional undergraduate and graduate studies since the 2023/2024 academic year!
Do you want to engage in cultural tourism, but don't know where to start? Are you an employee in the field of tourism or culture and want to develop an innovative product based on the cultural and natural heritage of the place?
Apply for the professional development program "Heritage Interpretation for Tourism Product Development" and learn to design unique tourism experiences using a wide range of creative methods and approaches, from themed tours and guided tours to exhibitions and authentic souvenirs.
The modern development of tourism has created the need to create innovative cultural and tourist products based on the unique heritage of the place. Heritage interpretation is the art of creating and conveying an authentic experience of heritage and includes various creative methods and tools of communication with users (storytelling, tematske ture, oživljena povijest, igre i aktivno sudjelovanje posjetitelja) u stvaranju novih, individualiziranih narativa u skladu s potrebama i karakteristikama pojedinog područja.
Interest in such forms of tourist guidance and presentation of heritage in Croatia is growing, both among guests who want to experience something new and different, and among employees in culture and tourism who want to present their place and tell their stories in a new and creative way.
The program offers basic theoretical knowledge about heritage interpretation and its planning, and trains participants to create and develop interpretation products such as themed walks, costume tours, exhibitions, gamification, the concept of souvenirs and themed products, and presentations and branding in rural tourism, accommodation and sales facilities and cultural institutions.
The aim of the program is to acquaint participants with the theory, methods and techniques of heritage interpretation for the purpose of creating innovative heritage and cultural-tourism products.
The program acquires knowledge about personal and non-personal interpretation, research and understanding the needs of different groups of users and the role of heritage in sustainable development, as well as skills in planning and managing interpretation projects in tourism.
After completing the program, participants will be able to:
Tourist guides, museum guides, tourism and heritage workers, nature park workers, small entrepreneurs in tourism and heritage, renters, restaurateurs, members of KUDs, traditional craftsmen, souvenir producers, destination managers and everyone else who has the opportunity or wants to represent heritage to visitors through its cultural and touristic products.
The teaching is organized in the form of lectures and theoretical and field exercises lasting 6 weeks (block of 5 hours once a week - on Fridays).
Venue of the seminar: premises of the dislocated studio in Zagreb, Lastovska 23.
Teaching is conducted in classrooms with the use of audio-visual aids as well as field teaching. For part of the participants and in case of need, part of the class can be conducted online.
Regular attendance at classes, preparation of weekly assignments and final project - a sketch of an interpretive product according to the given instructions.
300,00 € po polazniku
*Discounts cannot be combined.
Dr. sc. Lana Domšić, University of Applied Sciences Baltazar Zaprešić
Doctor of science in the field of museology and professor of art history, received her doctorate on the topic "Participatory interpretation of heritage and social effects on young people". She gained work experience in the museums Galerija Klovićevi dvori, MUO and MSU in Zagreb and the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice, as well as on various cultural and educational projects in Croatia, Chile and Spain. Teacher of the courses Heritage Management, Cultural and Creative Tourism, Croatian Art in the European Context and Design and Visual Communications.
Iva Silla, Secret Zagreb
Author and host of the program Secret Zagreb, brand which brings together a number of creative thematic walks and gamified tours. The host podcast Croatia Underrated and analogous gamified research Playful Croatia.
Certified interpretation guide and trainer (National Association for Interpretation, USA; Interpret Europe, Germany). Author of numerous educational content in the field of innovative presentation of heritage and project management in cultural tourism.
At the end of this education, each participant receives a certificate in Croatian with the name of the teaching program, a list of teaching topics, the names and surnames of the teachers and the number of teaching hours.
Friday, 04/02/2022, from 17:00 to 21:00.
Ljiljana Nekić, , Professional associate for lifelong education and learning / 099 308 5918
Dr. sc. Lana Domšić, / 098 168 9358
In case of insufficient number of applications, the program will not take place.