In case of insufficient number of applications, the program will not take place.
Baltazar Zaprešić Polytechnic has been offering online classes in professional undergraduate and graduate studies since the 2023/2024 academic year!
Are you a foreigner working in Croatia or are you staying in Croatia for private reasons? Do you want to learn the basics of the Croatian language and script and thereby communicate more easily in a new environment?
Enroll in the course "Croatian language and culture for foreigners - levels A 1.1 and A 1.2" and acquire the communication competence in the Croatian language necessary for your successful functioning in everyday business and private situations.
Every year more and more citizens of foreign countries who speak different primary languages choose the Republic of Croatia as their place of life and work. Despite the ubiquitous dominance of English, mastering and using the language of the environment in which he lives, regardless of whether it is a world language or a small national language, brings an individual a huge advantage in daily interactions with the environment, independence in communication and ultimately raises the quality of life in a new and often to an unknown environment.
The program consists of a linguistic and cultural module and pronunciation exercises. In other words, the participants will be taught the Croatian language, the pronunciation of Croatian voices and the basics of Croatian culture (history, geography, literature, music, art, popular culture, sports...).
The learning outcomes, teaching methods and teaching contents are aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (ZEROJ), a fundamental document of the Council of Europe that regulates the evaluation of knowledge and competence of foreign languages in the European Union.
In accordance with ZEROJ, the complete course, in its integral form, consists of two modules (A 1.1 and A 1.2). Each module consists of 75 teaching hours, and after listening to both modules, mastering the Croatian language at level A 1 is achieved (150 hours of language learning).
It is also possible to attend the course in an accelerated form, i.e. through 6 modules, each of which consists of 25 teaching hours.
Level A 1.1
Level A 1.2
1st course
2nd course
3rd course
4th course
5th course
6th course
The goal of the program is to enable participants to acquire communicative competence in the Croatian language at the initial level through a communicative approach to language teaching. Accordingly, participants will strive to equip themselves with the knowledge they need to communicate in the Croatian language in everyday business and private situations.
After completing the program, participants will be able to:
The program can be enrolled and attended by all foreigners with regulated legal status in the Republic of Croatia (foreigners with approved temporary residence according to the Law on Foreigners, Official Gazette 133/20), as well as citizens of the Republic of Croatia for whom Croatian is a second language, i.e. not their mother tongue.
Teaching is organized in the form of lectures and language and phonetic exercises. Classes take place in the form of 2.5 + 2.5 teaching hours per week, i.e. in a block of 5 teaching hours per week (depending on the needs and preferences of the participants).
Venue of the seminar:
Regular attendance at classes, active participation in classes, taking the final exam (written part, oral part, reading, listening).
Price per course lasting 25 hours: EUR 300.00.
Teaching materials are included in the price of the course.
Mateja Šporčić, mag. philol. croat. et mag. litt. comp., pred., University of Applied Sciences Baltazar Zaprešić
Mateja Šporčić is a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Baltazar Zaprešić. Within the course Croatian language and culture for foreigners I and II during several academic years (2014/2015 – 2019/2020) she taught Croatian to foreign students. So far, she has presented at three professional and scientific gatherings for lecturers of Croatian as another (second and foreign) language, and has published two scientific and one professional paper in the field.
At the end of this education, each participant receives a certificate in Croatian with the name of the teaching program, a list of teaching topics, the names and surnames of the teachers and the number of teaching hours.
After filling the teaching group.
Professional associate for lifelong education and learning Ljiljana Nekić / 099 308 5918 or
Mateja Šporčić
In case of insufficient number of applications, the program will not take place.