Lifelong education
Do you want to become a valued member of our University of Applied Sciences Baltazar Zaprešić? Find out more through the given links.

University of Applied Sciences Baltazar Zaprešić organizes and runs lifelong education and learning programs that are organized as formal and informal forms of learning.
Savladaj pisanje i video produkciju za uspjeh u PR-u, digitalnom marketingu, korporativnim komunikacijama i novinarstvu!
Projektna akademija Baltazar proizlazi iz programa stručnog diplomskog studija Projektni menadžment, kako bi polaznicima koji u kraćem vremenskom periodu žele savladati ili proširiti temeljna znanja iz područja projektnog menadžmenta, to omogućila kroz odabrane specijalističke Module.
Postanite financijski pismeni – savladajte osnove računovodstva iz udobnosti vašeg doma!
Želite sigurnije upravljati vlastitim financijama ili poslovanjem, ali nemate prethodnog znanja iz računovodstva? Naš online program “Osnove računovodstva za početnike – korak po korak do financijske pismenosti” vodi vas korak po korak prema razumijevanju ključnih financijskih pojmova, vođenju poslovnih knjiga i ispunjavanju zakonskih obveza.
Start developing your knowledge and competencies in the field of real estate management and valuation by learning from top experts with years of experience in real estate management, land registry law, construction, appraisals, economics...
Apply for the professional development program "Heritage Interpretation for Tourism Product Development" and learn to design unique tourism experiences using a wide range of creative methods and approaches, from themed tours and guided tours to exhibitions and authentic souvenirs.
Sign up for the professional development program „Web-design in WordPress and learn to create and maintain web-pages without the use and prior knowledge of programming languages.
Enroll in the course "Croatian language and culture for foreigners - modules A 1.1 and A 1.2" and acquire the communication competence in the Croatian language necessary for your successful functioning in everyday business and private situations.
Learn to combine the seemingly incompatible, connect tastes, smells, colors and shapes and thus prepare completely new delicacies.
Learn how to combine food and drink and create superb gastronomic experiences that will be remembered and to which you will return.
Start developing your competencies in the field of project management and learn from top experts with many years of experience in the preparation and implementation of EU projects...
Sign up for a short online German language course of 12 hours on 4 Saturdays for 3 hours online.