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Baltazar Zaprešić Polytechnic is a higher education institution that has been chosen by more than 7,000 students since 2001.
Organizational chart of the Polytechnic with the right to public Baltazar Zaprešić (list of members of the Governing Council)
The strategic development plan of the Public Polytechnic Baltazar Zaprešić from Zaprešić for the period from 2021 to 2026 was adopted at the 154th session of the Governing Council of the Public Polytechnic Baltazar Zaprešić from Zaprešić, held on November 23, 2020 (reg. number: 328- 05/2-2020, from November 23, 2020).
The Economic Council is an advisory body to the Dean, the Council of the University, and the Administrative Council of the Baltazar Zaprešić University. It was established with the aim of strengthening the connection between the University’s professional and scientific activities and the business community. This contributes to the ongoing revision and innovation of existing study programs, as well as the development of new ones, all in alignment with the needs of the labor market.
The quality policy of Baltazar Zaprešić Polytechnic refers to the continuous improvement of the level of service quality in accordance with the requirements of international norms, ESG standards and legal and by-law regulations.
List of general acts, public procurement documentation, accounting procedures, elections to positions, rules on personal data protection and occupational safety, as well as a list of laws that define the legislative framework in relation to the scope of the Polytechnic with the right to the public Baltazar Zaprešić.