University of Applied Sciences Baltazar Zapresic

About lifelong education and learning

Lifelong education

Lifelong education (lifelong education) is a concept that views education as a lifelong process of organized learning, which begins with compulsory schooling and formal education and lasts a lifetime.

Lifelong education

Lifelong education is an institutionally organized integral part of lifelong learning and can be:

  • formal - a learning process that is organized according to a verified educational program by which a public document on a certain level of education is obtained, and the acquired qualifications are entered in an e-workbook and
  • informal - a learning process that is organized according to an educational program that has not been verified, and is aimed at the professional training of adults for work, for various social activities and for personal development. At the end of the educational process, the participant receives a certificate of participation.

Adult education rubrike/obrazovanje-odraslih

Agency for Vocational Education and Adult Education