
Program stručnog usavršavanja “Upravljanje i procjena vrijednosti nekretnina” na Baltazaru

Would you like to improve your existing knowledge of real estate management and valuation? Do you work in real estate and are you looking for a multidisciplinary training program? Do you do real estate valuation and need additional specialization?

Start developing your knowledge and competencies in the field of real estate management and valuation by learning from top experts with years of experience in real estate management, land registry law, construction, appraisals, economics...

University of Applied Sciences Baltazar Zaprešić implements a professional development program Real estate management and valuation, which was confirmed by the Ministry of Spatial Planning, Construction and State Property, and the teachers who teach are top experts in their professions and areas of specialization.

Real estate management and assessment of their value requires multidisciplinary knowledge in economics, law, land records, construction and urban planning, as well as the evaluations and methods of real estate management, which cannot currently be acquired through formal education in the Republic of Croatia.

Furthermore, given that after 80 years of absence of any regulation that would standardize the assessment of the value of real estate on a market basis, in 2015 it was adopted Law on Real Estate Valuation (Official Gazette 78/15), it is necessary to provide quality education to all persons professionally engaged in work in which appraisals are made: experts, appraisers, officials in JLP(R)S or state bodies, real estate brokers, employees in companies that they deal in real estate, etc.

Program description
Professional training program Real estate management and valuation combines knowledge related to real estate taxation, real estate accounting, business ethics in real estate business, knowledge of basic land administration procedures (cadastre and land registry procedures), basics of regulations in construction and spatial planning, real estate valuations, and real estate management.

The goal of the program
Cilj ovog nastavnog programa jest omogućiti polaznicima teorijska i praktična znanja o uspješnom  upravljanju nekretninama te ispravnoj procjeni njihove vrijednosti.

Learning outcomes 

  1. Apply accounting and tax regulations when disposing of real estate. 
  2. Apply appropriate regulations in the construction and registration of new real estate.
  3. Apply the key elements of real estate management and present a real estate management strategy. 
  4. Estimate the value of real estate using the comparative, income and cost method.  

 Teaching topics of the program

  1. Basics of real estate taxation and accounting (8 teaching hours and 2 hours of exercises): basics of economics, legal provisions of real estate accounting, tax determination of real estate  
  2. Legal aspects of real estate and business ethics (real and compulsory law) (8 teaching hours and 2 hours of exercises): acquisition of ownership rights to real estate, legal affairs and business ethics
  3. Land administration (cadastre and land register) (8 teaching hours): main elements and principles of the land administration system, overview of the largest land administration systems in Europe and the world, modern regulations in the field of cadastre and land registers in Croatia, selected examples of cadastral and land register entries
  4. Regulation in construction and spatial planning (8 teaching hours): legal basics, application of the Spatial Planning Act, application of the Construction Act and special chapters
  5. Real estate valuation, theory and practical work (18 teaching hours, 6 hours of exercises and 10 hours of independent work): basics, data analysis, comparative method, income method, cost method, special methods of assessment, preparation of professional work  
  6. Real estate management, theory and practical work (18 nastavnih sati, 6 sati vježbi i 10 sati samostalnog rada): uvod, strategija i organizacija, ponašanje tržišta nekretnina, investicije, održavanje i upravljanje nekretninama, praksa upravljanja nekretninama, izrada stručnog rada.

Obligations of participants

  • Attendance at lectures and exercises.
  • Each teaching topic is followed by a short check of the acquired knowledge of the participants. 
  • After the fifth and sixth teaching topic (module), the participants should prepare one professional paper (evaluative study of real estate value). 

Education is intended to persons who meet the requirements for enrollment in this lifelong education and learning curriculum, i.e. to persons who are employed and deal directly or indirectly with the management and assessment of real estate values.

Duration, time and place of classes
Program edukacije traje 104 nastavna sata, koji su raspoređeni tijekom vikenda (petkom od 16,00 do 20,00 sati i subotom od 09,00 do 13,00 sati).
Mjesto održavanja nastave: Lastovska 23, 1. kat, HR-10000 Zagreb

The price of education
9.500,00 kuna po polazniku.
Possibility to pay by credit card in up to five installments.
Polaznici iz iste pravne osobe ostvaruju sljedeći popust:

  • 2 polaznika – 10% popusta
  • 3 polaznika – 20% popusta.

Popust za ranu prijavu (do 15. 9. 2021.) – 10%

Start of classes
Edukacija započinje u petak, 15. 10. 2021., traje 16,00 – 20,00 h, subotom 09,00 – 13,00 h, uz mogućnost usuglašavanja termina prema potrebama grupe. 

Method of teaching programs
Teaching is conducted in classrooms with the use of audio-visual aids. For part of the participants and in case of need, classes can be held online.
After the completion of each topic or module, there is a knowledge test. After the fifth and sixth topics, in addition to the knowledge test, the participants should successfully prepare one professional paper, or a suitable essay.


  • Doc. dr. sc. Vlasta Roška she worked as a tax consultant, director, head of accounting, head of planning and analysis.
  • Dr. sc. Ljiljana Matuško Antonić she performed the duties of advisor at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia, judge of the Municipal Court in Zagreb, and head of sector at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Croatia.
  • Dr. sc. Marko Ignjatović is an expert in the digital transformation of various types of organizations and real estate management in local self-government, and has collaborated with a large number of local and regional self-governments, non-governmental organizations, state institutions and international corporations. 
  • Branimir Majčicamag., performed the following tasks: senior expert advisor to the head - surveyor, head of the Real Estate Valuation Service of the City of Zagreb, Head of the Department for Document Documentation, expert associate for land. 

Contact and registrations
Professional associate for lifelong education and learning Ljiljana Nekić ljnekic@bak.hr / 099 308 5918 ili
Predstojnik Odjela za cjeloživotno obrazovanje i učenje VBZ-a dr. sc. Antal Balog, v. pred. abalog@bak.hr / 099 287 6399.

You can register at one of the listed e-mail addresses or by dialing one of the two listed phone numbers.
Enrollment lasts until the optimal number of participants is reached. Potential participants who could not enroll in the first teaching group will be entered in the records of the next one.

Enrollment and enrollment conditions

  • completed undergraduate university studies or undergraduate professional studies in the scientific fields of construction, architecture, geodesy, economics, law, or
  • completed university graduate studies or specialized professional graduate studies in the scientific fields of construction, architecture, geodesy, economics, law, or
  • completed pre-Bologna graduate studies in the scientific fields of construction, architecture, geodesy, economics, law or
  • completed undergraduate or graduate studies in another scientific field with at least one year of experience in real estate business
  • Contract on attendance of classes concluded (identity card and OIB required)
  • payment of the first installment.

The content of the document that is obtained at the end of the educational program
At the end of this education, each participant will receive a certificate in Croatian with the name of the curriculum, a list of subjects covered, the names and surnames of the teachers, the number of hours attended, and a list of self-made and graded real estate appraisal studies.

Detailed education curriculum
Program structure Real estate management and valuation according to individual teaching topics (modules), duration in teaching hours, chapters and a list of professional literature can be viewed HERE.